Saturday, February 19, 2011

Produce Swap May: The Biscotti House Garden

Starting in May, The Biscotti House Garden will be sponsoring a  produce swap on Saturday mornings this summer. So if you are starting your garden soon, you should keep this in mind. If you end up with too many tomatoes to handle (may you be so blessed, last season was a terrible tomato season) you can trade them for something you aren't growing with other locals for free. The Biscotti House allows people to trade vegetables, fruit, plants and recipes, it is also looking to include seeds this year in the swapping as well. Last year all the leftover food went to the Clovis Senior Center and I'm sure that will be the plan. More information to follow in May. The Biscotti House is located in Clovis near Clovis and Sierra. Happy planting and may your produce be plentiful!

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